Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Mountains, Trees, and Mondays: Hiking Souls and Hiking Soles

I've had this crazy idea in my head for some time now.

And it goes like this:

Every Saturday that permits, I want to go hiking.
Because everything about my soul/personality yearns for hiking.

And for goodness sake, THIS is where I live:

Yeah, I'd say it's about time to get myself out there.

But this CRAZY idea of mine has two flaws:

1. Winter is approaching. Fast. And I'd rather avoid hypothermia and frostbite, thank you very much.

2. Although I have a hiking SOUL,
and even hiking SOLES...
(meaning my beloved hiking shoes that I even drew a picture of once in art class)

...I don't exactly have a hiking BODY.

Because although things like
loving fruits and veggies,
doing yoga every morning,
attending a campus that is
built on the side of a monstrous hill,
and having a job where I lift heavy things and climb scaffolding and run around like a chicken with my head cut off (clearly this needs a post of its own in the future),
keep me in pretty healthy condition...

...that doesn't mean I'm ready to just up and hike all of Yellowstone.

Because I am also hypoglycemic.
And I have long suspected that I have exercise-induced asthma.
And the altitude here is KILLER.
And... I'm really just not that great at cardio stuff in general.

So, before I go out and take on REAL mountains,
looks like I'm going to be starting with some more figurative mountains.

Indoor heated gym with treadmills and stair climbers, here I come,


katilda said...

fact: i actually don't enjoy hiking, really...at all....unless i'm somewhere gorgeous with waterfalls. but just climbing up a mountain in the middle of the desert for the sake of climbing? ...no thank you. also, i love the gym.

Unknown said...

I support this. And, I would like to hike a lot someday too. In fact, I would like to hike to high up places and do yoga overlooking the valley but...baby steps. Someday we shall! For now, enjoy the gym. I LOVE the gym.