Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On a Whim On a Wednesday: Thank you, Joe Butt

So this first week of school...
(don't worry, I'll be explaining the significance of "Joe Butt" in just a moment)
...has solidified what I already knew but had yet to
dive into
submerge myself
mind, body, and soul:


You see, I am taking this class called,
"Business for the Professional Artist."

And it's kinda a big deal for me.
Because this teacher is not only a wonderful illustrator, he ALSO is quite the successful artist (in terms of making a living off of it for his entire life).

And, well, if his lectures don't just hit on ALL of my weak points....
"This field is beyond competitive, and you will only be successful if you,
a. Know every detail of the market today.
b. Know every detail of the market TOMORROW.
c. Are able to confidently and verbally propose to clients what you have to offer.
d. Know for YOURSELF what you have to offer.
e. Are EXTREMELY self disciplined.
f. Do not succumb to distractions. Avoid excessive "hobby-ing."
g. Have a professional, online portfolio available at all times.
h. Have impeccable attention to deadlines and punctuality."

And SO,
even though I have yet to actually have an official assignment in this class, I have actually been spending most of my "homework" time on it.

Because I decided to dive into it.


Like this....

...but far less graceful.

And so my sketchbook has become my beloved friend.
In fact, most of the time I don't even bother to put it in my backpack whilst gallivanting around campus.
Because it is only a matter of time before I want to pull it out and scribble some new raindrops (words) in my brainstorm.

First, this brainstorm began with the "clouds" of
"What do I know about?"
"What are my interests?"
"What are my potential artistic markets/fields?"
"What do DO with it all?"

Each of these clouds proceeded to shower.
All sorts of raindrops/words/phrases,
from "Da Vinci"
to "stuffed animals"
to "fumage"
to "the universe"
to "biospheres"
to "greeting cards"
to "graphite realsim"
to "rhythm"
to "oil lift-out"
to "flying kites"
to "ceramic sculptures."

Needless to say, this storm was beginning to get a bit
out of hand.

And so, I sought shelter.
(Meaning that I took a break from working in the printmaking studio and planted myself in a good spot on the floor in the hallway of the art building).

And I thought back to something that my teacher had said:
"Your artistic style is who you are."

Which prompted me to write the following "cloud" in my sketchbook:
Who am I?

This "cloud" has done 2 things.

1. Filled my mind for the rest of this day with an
epic Jean Valjean performance.

2. Led me to THIS:

It is a personality test.
And not just the kind you fill out in a magazine.
But the kind that is kind of a big deal and nationally recognized.
Or something official like that.

I had my skepticisms....

But THEN it showed me my results.
And good golly, it just about hit me right on the mark.
Down to strange little things I do that I didn't know a computer was capable of picking up on just from my answering a few questions.

The result came in the form of a four-letter personality identification.

Monica Christiansen,
am an
Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.
(I think they cheated a little bit on the "N" part).

And I was brought to a webpage
describing us "INFP" people.

These are my favorite parts:

1. The personality description was written by a guy named "Joe Butt."

2. The first thing it did was quote Moby Dick.

3. "INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder."
I have always explained to Austin that much of my personality is based on having a good "sense of wonder." Like some people have a good "sense of humor."
Yeah, I thought I had made up that term...
apparently it is just part of being an INFP.

4. "It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities."
Um... that is pretty much my EVERY SINGLE DAY.

5. "INFPs have the ability to see good in almost anyone or anything."

6. "INFPs struggle with the issue of their own ethical perfection, e.g., performance of duty for the greater cause."

7. "INFPs live primarily in a rich inner world of introverted feeling."

8. "...quixotic nature of these usually gentle beings."

9."...greeting the world on behalf of feeling."

10. "....a sound basis for the development of literary facility."

11. My fellow INFPs include
Homer (NOT the simpson),
St. John,
William Shakespeare,
Luke Skywalker,
A. A. Milne,
Laura Ingalls Wilder,
Mr. Rogers,
Neil Diamond,
Doug Funny,
Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes),
Anne Sherley,
James Taylor
Julia Roberts,
Fred Savage,
Bastain (The Neverending Story)
Tommy PIckles,


All I can say is...


I'll be right here,

1 comment:

katilda said...

what the....i'm not sure anyone can go around categorizing ET's personality...but I've always loved that picture. Running away to the moon. In any case, your sister is an ENFP. Though I think I'm getting ever more introverted as I get older. And I also totally think they've always cheated on that "N." And...you can A.A. Milne. He is my most favorite author. Win.