Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sweet and Savory Saturday: Brownies Save the Day

Now, despite this post's title suggesting that this day was bad enough to need saving, it was actually one of the best days I've had in quite a while.

There was even a beautiful thunderstorm.

Which always is rejuvenating.

...until it does THIS:

Not cool, rain.


The remedy?

There are 2 parts.

Changing into pajamas with lightning speed the second I get home.
(Which explains why I am not actually WEARING the jeans in that picture. No way was I taking the time for a photo op).



And what makes them even BETTER is the fact that I hardly had to do ANY work to make them.

Because this is one of those fancy shmancy recipes that makes a BUNCH of dry mix at a time.

Like this:

Mix together
8C sugar
5 1/2C fllour
2 1/2C cocoa
4 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp salt

Then, when it rains on your pants, you can just pull one of these:

To make 8x8" pan of brownies, combine
2C mix
1/2C melted butter
2 eggs
(Oh, and throw in some chocolate chips if you feel like it. Apparently from that picture, I only halfway felt like it).

Cook for 20 min. at 350.

Ending this post abruptly because I have to get my hands on those bad boys,


katilda said...

i laughed out loud at this: "Then, when it rains on your pants, you can just pull one of these." bahaha

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Katie, my first intention in commenting was to point out how hard I laughed at the 'when it rains on your pants' part too hahaha. Monica, you are so funny. And you just made me insanely happy that I can make premade brownie mix. Sooo happy. Where did you find that recipe? Were there more recipes like that? And...is it you or Austin that wants chocolate chips in your brownies? :)