Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

All Aboard the Spotify Train.

Today is "Tuning in to Tuesday."

Thus marking the one-week anniversary 

Also known as that one time I accidentally deleted my entire iTunes library.


But never-mind-you-that.
Because I decided that this was a good opportunity to take the next step in my attempts to be savvy about the gizmos and gadgets of this modern day.

(spoken like a true 21 year old...?)

As stubborn as I have been at times when it comes to the digital conversion of EVERYTHING, I gotta say:

Technology really is a pretty cool thing.

And, no, embracing it does NOT mean that I will become an uncultured, touch-screen-addicted zombie.


Technology DOES mean that there are beautiful things like THIS:

I've meant for some time now to try out this raved about, seemingly too-good-to-be-true piece of modern tech.

And after my first week of dipping my toes, 
I am quite pleased.

 Because making playlists is pretty much my favorite thing ever.
(along with regularly saying the phrase, "pretty much my favorite thing ever.")

And NOW I can have a pretty much unlimited supply of music just WAITING to be meticulously sorted into playlists for my every fleeting mood and whim....

Ooooh, the possibilities.

Let's just say that I may or may not have a dinosaur themed playlist entitled "Songosaurus."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...i definitely referenced your dinosaur playlist in an earlier comment before i knew you had actually written about it haha. Excited for your new endeavors! Next up? Teach Mandy spotify.