Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Why I "graduated" without a degree.

You could call me a college dropout.

And by all technicalities and transcripts, you'd be right.

But on Thursday, October 25th,
when I decided to
discontinue my semester courses,
leave Brigham Young University - Idaho,
and move back to Arizona with no intentions of
continuing my college education,

I was most certainly NOT choosing to drop out.

I was choosing to graduate.

I was an Integrated Studio Art major with
5 semesters under my belt.
And this 6th semester was turning out to be the
best and most successful of them all.
And it seemed that the stars were, to my relief,
aligning in my favor on more levels than just my GPA.

Life was good.

SO good, that I couldn't shake the feeling that something lay ahead.

Something on the next page.
Something just around the riverbend.

Like this:

Because all the knowledge I was gathering - whether it be in my academic courses, art projects, or just the school of general life - seemed to be teaching the same thing.
Different as they were, these sources of learning and thought and pondering were undeniably pointing in ONE DIRECTION.

Like this:

And after some apartment hunting around town, considering alternate areas of academic study, and many MANY "what if" conversations with my husband...

...I came to the conclusion that I had absolutely
NO CLUE what it all meant.

And so I took Grandmother Willow's advice,
and listened with my heart.

Like this:

But actually, more like this:

And I knew then that yes, change was coming.

But rather than search the seven seas
trying to figure out what it was,
I needed to just continue about my life
diligently, patiently, and faithfully...

...and the answer would come.

And come, it did.

And SURPRISED ME, it did.

Because whilst going about my day, something dawned on me. It dawned in a simple way. In the same way that you would be brushing your teeth and think to yourself, "I need to get eggs at the store today."

Except my thought was something more like this:
"I have completed my college education."

I did not have a degree of any sort.
I was not even finished with the current semester.

And yet, within a few hours of individual and spousal contemplation...

(like this)

...it was decided.

I was indeed finished with my college education.

Because for me, college was never about the degree.
It was about getting the education,
experience, and
tools I needed
to be a professional artist
and a good, well-rounded person.

And all this was for the purpose of providing a
good life
for myself and my family.

And the compass was telling me that my college experience had served its purpose. It took me as far as needed with these goals,
and it was time for the next chapter.

And I felt graduated.

Is it the norm? Nope.

Is it what I expected? DEFINITELY not.

But do I know with every fiber of my
spunky being that it is right?

You betcha.

Dabbling in the future,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This made me cry a little. And laugh a lot. I always seem to end up comparing my life situations to Pocahontas too. Haha what does that say about us?? Guess we are not the Cinderella type. :-) Anyway, you definitely do not lack in introspection and i love how much this post shows that.