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Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Green and Thrifty Thursdays: My Kind of "GREEN."

(during this post, you can expect to be bombarded with debatebly relevant "green" pictures).

(like that one).

So, um... "GREEN."

That can mean quite a few different things.

Even once you narrow it down to definitions related to environmental responsibility, we've still got quite the wide spectrum, here.

So, let's take this in small doses of categories.

Because I love categories.

This is what "green" means to me:


Now, I'm not a scientist and will never claim to know everything when it comes to taking care of our bodies.
In fact, I honestly know very little.
However, I think one thing is for sure:
God would not have put us on a planet that did not have the resources to
our physical bodies.
That being said, I believe that when it comes to the food we consume and the remedies we use to heal our bodies, the Earth is the best place to look first.

Of course there is a place for modern medicines developed by science.
And that place is right after a good foundation of natural, diligent health habits and practices.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of science.
In fact, I believe that science is a rather spiritual thing.
(now THAT is a post for another time!)
But I think it is so important to take care of our bodies and avoid symptoms, rather than just mask the symptoms once they inevitably come up.

(And just in case you're wondering, I do not advocate striving to make our bodies like that green guy up there. Because then doing healthy things like yoga and eating salads would become exceptionally awkward).


It happens.
A lot.

But once again, I think that our Heavenly Father really thought ahead on this one, too.
Because although everyone has different ways of relaxing and rejuvinating, many of these sources come from the Earth.

Our minds are stimulated by our senses, and planet Earth has those covered pretty well.

There are things we see.

There are things we hear.

There are things we touch.

There are things we smell.

There are things we taste.

And experiencing all of these things that nature has to offer can do a LOT for the sanity of our minds. Is it any coincidence that the sound of the ocean waves or the scent of lavender flowers are common sources of "relaxation?"


Now, this is a category that I can actually feel pretty good about writing.
Because it's the one where I actually have pretty extensively implemented my "green" ideals.

Basically, this is how I feel about common household cleaners:

Okay, okay, it's a bit dramatic.

And goodness knows I'm not criticizing ANYONE for using such products.
(Because judging others is just about the silliest thing I've ever heard of).

But I just couldn't take it anymore. I would rather have my house a little dirty than
and sprinkled
with chemicals that make me cough and choke as I use them.


It didin't sit well with me.

Using safe, chemical-free, even home-made cleaning supplies is probably one of the most popularly accepted forms of "going green."

First of all, it's LESS EXPENSIVE in the long run.
And most of the time, in the short run, too!
But also, it is just comforting to know that what we are wiping off our kitchen table with is safe, clean, and half the time made with the same ingredients that we use in the dinner we put on that table!

Plus they don't induce wheezing and choking.
Which, you know, is always a plus.


What? Your family doesn't look like that?


Well needless to say, I don't think I'm going to go into much detail with this category.
Because my family, at the moment, is more like this:

And there is no way that I'm going to start talking about how to raise a family.

BUT, I have my nice little family of two.
And I'm quite fond of it.
And I think that the way we run our family now is so very important to how it will turn out later as it grows.

And we like our family green.

And, you know, it helps that my husband is kind of a HORTICULTURE major.
(Not to be confused with Herbology. As far as I have seen, Professor Sprout does not hide out in the BYU-I campus greenhouses.)
(As far as I have seen....)

But I just am a BIG advocate of encouraging all generations - ancient or brand new - to be conscious and, at the least, respectful of the environment.

More on this "consciousness" later.


I'm NOT going to tell you to only support/purchase from companies that are environmentally friendly.

Three reasons:
1. Telling people what to do is just as silly as judging people.
2. I would be a hypocrite.
3. It is almost as impossible as it gets.

With the complexities of businesses, it is impossible to tell that every little decision they make is made with regard to the health of the planet.
For goodness sake, it isn't even possible to determine that they make decisions in regard to OUR health.

But what we CAN do is be as self reliant as is possible (or sane) for our own specific circumstances, thus reducing our consumerism altogether.
We can also do our best to buy our food locally, and (if possible) from organic farmers and ranchers. Not only is this healthier for ourselves, but it also supports our communities rather than large companies that try (and succeed) to monopolize food.


About a month ago, our apartment complex announced that there will now be recycling bins by our dumpsters.

It was cause of much rejoicing for my family.

Because as much as me might like to think that all of our waste is vaporized into nonexistence...

it isn't.

It DOES end up in the oceans.
It DOES end up in the rivers.
It DOES end up in the soil.
It DOES end up in the air.

And we DO need those things in order to survive.

Now let's just make it clear that I am not saying this little planet of ours is a fragile thing.
God is smart enough to not make something that relied on the perfection of man.
The Earth is just about as enduring as it gets.

But just because someone gives you a diamond doesn't mean you are careless with it.


(No, I'm not really sure why an elephant represents consciousness, either.)

No one is perfect at this.
For some of us, recycling is as far as we get.
For others, we grow our own produce in our backyards.
And then there are those that go out and to things like this:

(Just to be clear, I am not advocating such actions.)
(But I DO advocate wearing one of those bad boys to a Halloween party.)

But the BEST thing that we CAN do?

And not just in regard to your current state of brain function.

I believe it is so important to just be AWARE of the importance of protecting our environment. Because it is our state of awareness that defines our choices.
Be aware,
be educated,
and be a
so that others can do the same.


As a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
I am a big fan of gifts from God.

He is quite generous when it comes to His children.

Also, I believe this:
"Unto whom much is given much is required."

And golly, if the creation of THIS doesn't qualify as "much"...

...then apparently I misunderstand the difficulty of
creating a world.

And whatever your spiritual beliefs be, I think it is so important to be grateful for this beautiful planet.
And to show respect for where it came from,
and respect for those who will be alive to see where it's going.

So there you have it.

This (in no few words) is what "green" means to me.

Oh, and just for good measure....

I don't know about you, but I know what I'M going as for Halloween,


katilda said...

i don't even know where to start....those people in whale costumes KILL me. i'm not even afraid of them, and that's nice. mostly i liked when you referenced harry potter. second mostly, i like that green dinosaur with the awkward arms and wonky eyes. if you have me for christmas, i want a big drawing of that dinosaur. that's all.

Unknown said...

Monica, this is one of the best blog posts I have ever read. I can't even point out specific parts...the whole thing is just perfect. You touched on things I hadn't really thought of before...or maybe had, but was afraid to admit. :) You have such a great take on this concept, I might just have to come back and read this over and over when I need it! :)