Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

On a Whim on a Wednesday...

...on a Thursday....

Why is Wednesday on Thursday?

Because last night at 11pm, I realized that I had yet to blog.
(hey, I'm new at this).

And so I whimsically decided that I
really didn't feel like it.

I also decided that I am allowed to embrace such whims on Wednesdays.

And, you know... any other day I don't feel like it...
or forget....

But if I HAD posted something yesterday, it probably would have been along the lines of this:

This "daily blogging theme" is probably my favorite of all of them. Because, come on, isn't it just ridiculously fun to say?

(Go ahead, say it a few times. You know you want to).

Another reason why it is my favorite:
I get to do whatever I want.

The "daily themes" is definitely a needed structure. It keeps my thoughts all nice and sorted, making it possible for me to actually write posts without feeling like I'm leaving out something.

I'd be lying if I said that I never have thoughts and feelings that simply don't fit into a category.


Yes, that is what they are called.

And Wednesday is a good day for such whims!
No, not just because of the splendid alliteration opportunity.

But because I think we could all use a little
uncategorizable WHIMSY
in the middle of the week.

I really don't want to make this post any longer than it is, because it really shouldn't even belong on this day, and it is kinda sorta about nothing at all....

So I will just close with a one-sentence whim:

Last night I pulled into my parking spot and my headlights startled a little white kitten that had been climbing up a tree trunk about four feet in front of me and had its legs wrapped around it and its tail sticking out to the side and it turned to look at me all guilty with its eyes all green and shining in the light, as if it had been caught doing something really mischievous, and then jumped down and bounded away under a nearby car and proceeded to meow at me as if accusing me of being a party pooper....

Yeah... I kinda had to work at that in order stick to my "one sentence" claim.

I can write a run-on sentence
if I darn well feel like it,


P.S. I can't bring myself to publish this post without including at least one picture.
So I choose this one:

Because what's cooler than an Okapi???


The Ballard Family said...

That picture makes me question my understanding of the animal kingdom. And that kitten story makes me laugh. Nice visual. :)

katilda said...
