Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Friday, August 3, 2012

New Look! Same great taste.

It is very possible that the phrase I used for this post's title is more applicable on breakfast food boxes.
Not blogs.

hmmmm... debatable.
But it gets the message across, I think.

I have decided that it is time for a new blogging strategy!
It will involve categories.

....All those wonderful things
that help me to channel my undeniable
whimsical/spontaneous/adventurous/"Indiana Jones"

...into manageable chaos.

You know, probably something like this:

But minus the predator.

(Oh, how I can get carried away by a good, sufficiently ridiculous analogy. But now back to real life in which I am NOT in fact Indiana Jones or a school of crafty fish).

The idea here is to avoid the "I want to blog about everything in the entire world at the same time and can't decide what to choose therefore I end up avoiding it altogether" scenario.

Here's a little snippet of what I'm thinking for my daily blogging topics:

Mountains, Trees and Mondays
Tuning in to Tuesday
On a Whim, on a Wednesday
Green and Thrifty Thursdays
Flashback Friday!
Sweet and Savory Saturdays

Let's see where this takes us, shall we?

Aspiring to be like the fishes in the sea,


The Ballard Family said...

Best. Just...best.

katilda said...

Agreed with other sister's comment. Love the categories, love the signature, love the....all...of it. More! MORE!

katilda said...

the rambling analogies. those are a favorite.