Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Mountains, Trees, and Mondays

Today is THE DAY!!!

My daily blooging themes have been filed away in my mind for months now....

(Yes, that should say "blogging"... but the giggling I experienced thanks to that typo was just too delightsome to keep to myself.

You're welcome.)

....But seeing as I made my posting intentions "official" with my last post, I have been itching to really get the ball rolling!

Maybe like this:

But probably something closer to, you know...


For my first week's attempt at this "daily themes" stuff,
let's keep it simple!

I'll probably just introduce the general daily themes and what manner of posts we can expect from them.

(In other words, I'll be putting my own thoughts and intentions into writing... mostly for my own purposes of rounding up all my jumbled thoughts into some kind of general guideline. You know, like rounding up sheep. Or putting all your ducks in a row... and all the chaos those things entail).

Without further adieu,




So, um... what IS that, exactly?
Good question.
And... I'm not really sure.

But it probably has something to do with yoga poses like these:

And places like these:

And adventures like these:

And, AND....

....a general feeling of this:

So in other words, anything and everything that fascinates me about our beautiful little nook of the universe.

the hills are alive,


katilda said...

love the pictures. love the sign-off. LOVE THE WORD BLOOGING. i also stopped and giggled.

The Ballard Family said...

Giggled as well. Of course. And I think Monday may become my favorite day. :)