Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A summary of the summaries that are to come of the somethings past....

Let's take a moment and decipher that title, shall we?

This post is to be a summary (or rather preview) of posts (hopefully) to come. Those posts will be summaries of the events/finding/adventures of the past few months. Since, you know... I kind of had some big life changes. And -- hypothetically speaking -- if for some reason your only insight into my little ol' life was via this blog, you would assume that I had gone from
being suspended from school

to being SUPER motivated

to, um... falling off the face of the earth....

Sorry for that hypothetical cliff hanger.

Truth is, there were many times that I FELT like I had fallen off the face of the earth.

But there were also many times that I had FUN.

And lately, there have been many many times that I have felt like I have quite the hold on this life of mine. And it is proving to be a fun, joyful, adventurous life INDEED.

And that makes me a very happy gal.

So in SUMMARY, you can expect posts in the near future about these fun, joyful, adventurous moments of mine. And maybe even some words about my "falling off the face of the earth" moments...

But ima try to keep it mostly to the fun stuff.

Aaaaaand.... lets cross our fingers that I will actually WRITE said posts in time before school starts.


School. STARTS.


But that is a post all in its own!

You can hop up and down in suspense until then.

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