Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I CAN DO IT! Oh wait, you mean... now???

A few keypoints to keep in mind here....

I am on academic suspension.
(If this is news to you, go check out two posts ago)

I am no longer allowed to keep my on campus job.

If the semester has already started, then the Rexburg Idaho job market is as nonexistant as the giant squid.
(by which I of course mean that it is existent...
but as impossible to find as it gets)

I am (not WAS, but AM) an art major.

My eventual goal with art (in a nutshell):
To learn a vast variety of artistic skills at school.
To teach myself even more variety of skills.
To start a small out of home business of selling my art.
Use this to benefit my family -
not just financially,
but spiritually as well.
Because for me, art is a
spiritual thing.

Thus concludes the keypoints and a nutshell.

Well... my brainstorming thoughts regarding life, family, school, work, and my own capabilites have led me to a realization that only took full form just earlier this day.
The realization?
That NOW is probably the time to get this art thing going.

(by now you may have realize that the "it" in the post title refers to art)

So... why now?

Because even though I do art in school, it is schoolwork.
And even though I know quite a bit, I need to practice. Oh BOY do I need to practice!
And even though I have people tell me that I could sell my art, I don't actually know anything about how to do that....
And because my attempts at easing my way in to this are thwarted.

They are thwarted by the simple fact that this endeavor of mine requires a really really REALLY big investment -
of time,
of effort,
of diligence,
and of willpower.

....and I mean REALLY big!

And today I am being real with myself: This is going to take as much - if not more - out of me as a full time job would.

Am I stopping the job hunt? Goodness NO! haha part of being real with myself is being real with the fact that a job would be so so very helpful at the moment.

But as I told Austin earlier, "I have the faith that some kind of employment will work out if it needs to. I will keep working hard towards it. But I am starting to realize that a full-time job may not be what this time right now is for. I am recognizing that this time right now is a gift - and it is probably the only time within the next few years where I will have this unique opportunity to fully invest myself into my art. I have known for a while that I need to do this, but if I keep treating it as a side-hobby, it's probably not going to happen. If I am going to do this, then NOW is the time."

And sssssooooooo....


Not just art, but making and SELLING art.

This will be fun.
And hard.
And crazy.
And enlightening.
And risky.
And messy.
And exciting.
And out of my comfort zone.
And a learning experience.
And very possibly, the beginning of something BIG.....

Wish me luck :)

I've got some research to do!

1 comment:

Adam and Emily said...

I think your artwork is great...I'd buy something! =)