Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Artistic Endeavors... and what ACTUALLY happened.

Remember a few posts/months ago when I was SUPER PUMPED about all of my artistic endeavors? And how I felt like THIS was the time to dive into it head first?

Well, I actually have never been all that talented when it comes to diving.

And apparently that applies
to more than just pool time exploits.

My goal was basically as follows:

1. Make an etsy shop (etsy.com is an online art venue. It is a beautiful thing. Check it out!)

2. Fill the figurative shelves of said shop with all sorts of different kinds of artwork.

3. Sell the art.

Well... little did I know just how complicated that was going to be. I can't even begin to describe the numbers of hoops I had to jump through. I started feeling like a circus lion.
But a bad circus lion,
because I wasn't very good at jumping through hoops,
and kept getting burned by the flames.

Um... excessive metaphor aside, there were so many things to research, establish, write, plan, etc.

How to make a shop.
How the shop works.
How to figure out my shipping policies.
Just plain how to ship something (I had never even mailed a letter before, let alone packaged and shipped a canvas painting).
How to get people to come view my shop.
How to make my shop look pretty.
How to give good online customer service.
How to handle online transactions.
How to calculate the cost of an item.
How to manage my shop regularly.
How to encourage repeat business.
How to be unique (yes, there were many instructions on this one).

Each of these could have many subcategories. And they were all rather foreign subjects to me. Especially since I am still trying to figure out adult things such as "how to keep my apartment clean" and "how to fill up my car with gas."

Needless to say, I was in over my head. And as for my goal of selling at least one "something" before christmas...

well that certainly wasn't going to happen.

Lets remember that during this time I had my "falling off the face of the earth" moments. (If that phrase is confusing you, read previous post!)

And so the new year started. And I felt like I had NOTHING to show for my efforts. And not just with art, but with pretty much every aspect of life. Because truth is, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that
I didn't have a job.
I wasn't caring for any children.
I wasn't going to school.

So... what on earth had I been doing??? This was even made worse when people would ask "so what do you do with your time?" And I'd basically have to answer, "Um, you tell me!"

And so I came out of that with all sorts of re-ignited enthusiasm! And part of that was art :) I have worked out all the little rough spots in my shop policies. I have gone to the UPS store and asked, "how do you ship a package?" I have created the artwork for my shop banner and profile pic. I have studied up on etsy business success strategies. I have made a brand new email account just for my art adventures. I am almost to the point of opening a new blog that focuses on artistic perspectives/happenings. Aaaaaand......

(drum roll please)

....I have sold two paintings!!! Both sales were to wonderfully supportive family members :) Which was quite the relief for me, because the idea of stumbling through all the little details of my first online transaction with a total stranger who may not be so patient with me... was a scary thought. So YAY for experience!

This rustic painting went to my grandparents in Texas

And this little beauty is soon to be on its way to my Aunt Cheryl

And THIS buddy is still looking for a home :)

And I have many piles of blank canvases cluttering my office floor, just waiting for their own splashes of color :) And even a few works in progress!

I really am itching to do SO MUCH MORE than abstract paintings.
I have pages of notes and outlines and doodles of exciting projects,
and goodness knows hundreds of mental files stuffed full of ideas.

But those will have to wait.

Because, for now, I think the most important thing is to just try to get this up and running, rather than experimenting with new things.
And what better way to do that than with my abstract paintings? They are simple to do, relatively quick to finish, I am decently good at it, I am getting better from the experience, and I absolutely have a passion for doing them!

Wood carvings, wind chimes, and stuffed animals can wait till later.

And so, even though I am not as far into this as I thought I would be way back in September, I am certainly further into it than I thought I could be after realizing how crazy difficult it is.

And I am happy about that :)

Want to see the shop? Go to mycue.etsy.com

um... "dsaf" is not a word. But it's what happened when Austin tried to hold my hand while I was typing.

Anyway, if you go check out my shop, understand that it may not be too exciting at the moment.

Because I only have one thing "on the shelf."

BUT, just take a moment to check out the banner I made (the title picture at the top... that is actually a photograph of something that I made by hand; I even carved the wooden letters out myself!)

Also, you can look at my profile. That little profile picture is a collection of all sorts of my art "tools" laid out meticulously in a circle on my yellow-orange yoga mat. I took about 30 different pictures before choosing that one haha.

Also, you can look at my sold items and click through the different pictures. I have a lot of fun taking the pictures :) In case you couldn't tell.

So yes, maybe this isn't as exciting for anyone else but me. But lets just humor me and say that it is AWESOME!

I am so very happy for the talents my Heavenly Father has blessed me with, and how much joy they bring into my life! And I am equally grateful to my family members that have been so very supportive of me and my pursuit of being an artist.

More to come on the artwork, soon :)

1 comment:

katilda said...

a. i am 25 and i still don't know how to keep my apartment clean.
b. i get anxiety every time i go to UPS or FedEx because i feel like they think i should know what i'm doing, and clearly if i knew that stuff then i would just be taking stuff to the regular post office now wouldn't i?
c. dsaf