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Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuning in to Tuesday: Up and Up

I'm a mildly big fan of Christian Rock.

Sometimes, members of the LDS Church tend to shy away from this musical genre.

Because mixing the sounds of popular modern day music with subjects like
and the Spirit
and Jesus Christ...

can be a rather peculiar juxtaposition
that we just plain are not accustomed to.

And some would even argue that it is irreverent to mingle such sacred subjects with such casual musical form.

To each his own.

But in this modern day when even my dear old country music becomes just as littered with inappropriateness as any other popular music genre,

I have no problem changing the radio station to
songs about the Savior.
Songs that give hope.
Songs about being charitable.
Songs about spreading the good news.

Are there sometimes specific doctrinal references that I don't necessarily agree with?

Hmmmm, yes.

But if disagreements on the specifics of a matter
(even eternally important ones)
mean that I should avoid association with the source,
then I guess it is time for me to go live in the mountains and cut off absolutely all ties with my fellow human beings.

And maybe raise goats, while I'm at it.

And although I strongly believe that there is in fact a need for reverent handling of sacred subjects,
I'm not going to reject a song just because it
accompanies Christ's teachings with
guitars and drums
instead of
a piano and violin.

And if you disagree?
That's okay.
I'm perfectly fine with that.
(see previous note on handling "disagreement.")

On that note, I would like to share one of my favorites:

Up and Up - Relient K

This song is for when
you feel guilty about digging a hole for yourself,
but you want to have faith that you can climb out of it.

And to remember that Christ is more than happy to join you for the climb.

This song is also for when your car is broken down and you have had a crappy day and you feel like there is just no way you can manage to walk up the monstrous hill back home.

When THAT happens,
cue THIS song:

I'm just trying to be a better version of me for You,

1 comment:

katilda said...

I love Christian rock. I do I do.