Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Um... hi? (other title: my wonderful husband)

Explanation for first title:
I FAIL at blogging.
And facebook.
And emails.
And responding to texts.
And keeping in touch in general....
BUT please oh please, know that I am doing
Know that I am
Know that I really do
friends and family more than I could say.
Know that my odd inability to stay in touch with people is likely
my least favorite part of myself.

And above all, know that
And boy oh boy, does it feel good!

And SO, I give a hesitant "Um... hi?" Becauase I cannot guarantee I am finally victorious. But I can declare that the battle is in my favor.
and likely to stay that way :)

And NOW, in an effort to avoid my usual self-criticism/explanation/overly apologetic/guilty ramblings on my weaknesses....

I will MOVE ON.

Because no one likes a dweller.

And because I don't like to dwell, even if I tend to.

And becuase... there are more important matters to discuss.

This matter, to be precise.

My wonderful husband.

He is my friend.
He is my best friend.
He was my fourth grade crush.
He was my fifth grade crush.
He was my sixth grade....

Well, you get it.

And for a while there,

in the turbulent washing machine which is
junior high and high school,
he was my long lost and most missed friend.....

He was my Senior year rediscovered best friend
He was my orchestra buddy
(viola/bass section prejudices aside).
He was my hug after school when I needed one.
He was my plate of cookies before school...
when he decided I needed one.
He was my self-confidence when I had none.
He was my reminder of my Savior.
He was my Senior Prom date
(after I asked him to be).
His was the hand I held in anxiety before graduation.
His was the hand that found mine in the crowd afterwards.

He was my summer-long date.
He was my "I love you."

He was my potential husba....

He was my "we'll have to wait and see."
He was my boyfrie...
He was my friend, because I was leaving for college.
He was my assurance to go to college.
He was my tearful and heart wrenching goodbye...
He was my REassurance.

He was my
center of my every
thought and every
breath and every
He was my MANY tears.
Because I missed him.
Because we were confused.
Becuase we knew we needed each other,
And yet we didn't know where our lives were going,
Or how they could possibly be going somewhere together.
Because although we needed each other, we also needed to do what we needed to do....

And yet, at the very same time,

He was my
center of my every
thought and every
breath and every
He was my MANY laughs.
He was my many more laughs than tears.

He was my wake up phone call in the morning.
He was my phone call on my way to class.
He was my phone call at 3 am when I was trying to stay awake to finish my drawing.
He was my phone call when I missed him.
He was my phone call always.
He was my phone call maybe too much?
He was my surprise package in the mail
with a picture of us,
letter from him,
rubber batman toy,
and denim blanket that smelled like him...

which made me cry.

He was (is) my denim blanket that I slept (sleep) with every night.

Mostly at that time,
He was my, "Monica, you CAN do this."

He was my greeting party at the airport when I came home.
He was that about three times.
He was my tearful goodbye kiss when it was time to go back.

But most importantly... he was my greeting party at the airport when I came home.

And one time... He was my "Monica, will you marry me?"

Because we finally figured it out.
Because, turns out, my desires to pursue my life's purpose
and my desires to be with him
were actually the same...
Because that was true for him, also.
Becuase our Heavenly Father knows and loves us.

He was the one who took me to the temple.
He was the pair of green eyes I couldn't look away from.
He was the hand I held.

He is my husband.

And I am his wife.

And we will be that way for eternity.

And I rather like that....


katilda said...

It's not ok to make me cry this early in the morning, da bit. This was gorgeous. Ah, sigh! Also I meant to say danggggit early but it kept getting autocorrected to da bit or da gig so I had to add a bunch of extra letters and make it inrecognizable. I win iPad!! Oh and my word verification is knongs. Which sounds like some kind of inappropriate, uncomfortable underwear.

Anonymous said...

Wow--that is amazing Monica! thanks for sharing it!