Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Not Enough Sloppy for my Joe

The title for this blog derives from a comment I made earlier today on the dinner I had planned for tonight. I mentally observed that the BBQ meat shtuff I had gotten was probably not enough to use up all 8 of the hamburger buns I got (WHEAT buns, as I asserted to my roomy earlier).
But this observation somehow came out in the word form of, "Not enough sloppy for my Joe."
Take it for what you will. I, for one, like it.

WELL..... remember last week when I decided a blog post reviewing the week is SIGNIFICANTLY easier to create when you keep a daily journal? and how much I wished I HAD kept said journal? and how committed I was to reignite such journal keeping habits?
....remember how forgetful I can be? :P HOWEVER, I did write briefly in it earlier today :) And it felt wonderful, so I do believe I'm on the right track for getting back into it :)

BESIDES, our University's theme (for this semester I believe) is a "steady upward course." If I were to jump right back into journal keeping, that wouldn't be very steady, now would it? Just humor me and say yes....
"YES." <---that was you saying yes.

And so, here goes another totally unorganized list of thought "spillageees" from my week.....

~The main spillage for the week: my science class. As part of the foundations courses we are required to take up here (kinda like general ed, but geared more towards just LIFE and GOSPEL knowledge from all aspects of education and the world), I must take a Science 101 class. I'll admit, I was NOT thrilled about it.

But oh boy howdy.... one of the coolest classes ever!!!! The main message is that science and religion are NOT opposites, even though the world often places them that way. Science theories are presented, mixed in with individual opinion, and are therefore rejected as a whole by many religious peoples. This happens in the reverse, as well.

But in this class, we question, "Why not believe that the Earth is as old as science claims it to be, believe that the Big Bang theory is based on truth, but also believe that all these things were done under the direction of an all powerful God?"

After only a couple weeks, I am AMAZED by how much a testimony can grow by even minimal skimmage of scientific theory and presumed fact. There were so many pictures I saw, so many videos watched, so many demostrations made, that helped me to understand more fully the absolutely incomprehensible vastness of the Universe. I feel like I want to share all of this with everyone... but that wouldn't really work lol so here are just a couple tid bits:

-- during class, my teacher played a video that shows the comparative scale of the planets in our solar system and then onward to stars other than our Sun which we know the basic diameters of.... after a while, our own Sun which is a BEAST compared to Earth, literally disappeared from sight on the screen because it was so small in comparison to other stars.... and it just KEPT GOING. One student appropriately yelled out "MAKE IT STOP!!!!!" If you wanna check it out, copy and paste this into your browser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfs1t-2rrOM

-- Now think about how many billions of such stars are in one galaxy (probably about 400 billion in our own), and how many planets can be held be each of those stars? Especially the larger ones? Now think about how many countless galaxies there are.

Here is a picture to help with that concept:

Looks pretty cool, yes? Well, scientists decided they wanted to find the most apparently empty space in the sky, and then use the hubble telescope to take pictures of it. The above picture represents an extremely small portion of the sky when viewing it with the naked eye. The size of that portion is equal to the size of a dime viewed from 75 feet away. When scientists looked at it with non-hubble telescopes, there was basically just BLACK.

Now get this: EVERY SINGLE SPECK you see in that picture, big or small, is a GALAXY.

SO.... after many demonstrations such as that one, all of us students were left with thoughts similar to Moses when God revealed all things to him. Moses exclaimed -- lying on his back in astonishment -- "man is nothing."

In terms of scale? Yes, man is nothing. So much of a nothing that we seriously cannot even begin to fathom it.

All these amazing specatacles we see and all the atomic level intricacies which are consisted in them are KNOWN TO GOD. He has all power and all knowledge regarding His creations.

Moses 1:33 -- "And worlds without number have I created; and also I have created them for mine own purpose."

He is aware of ALL of His realm of the Universe....

This would intially make me feel small, make me feel that He cannot possibly know me to the extent I would hope He does, becuase I am just such a small part of the vastness of His kingdom....
And yet....

Moses 1:39 -- "And this is my WORK and my GLORY, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

...And yet, WE are what He is all about!!!! He DOES know me, even with all the intricacies of the Universe at His hands, He knows me, watches out for me, and makes time to perform small miracles in my every day life, many that I probably don't even notice....

He knows THIS:

And He knows THIS:

And SOMEHOW, He knows THIS:

So... because of the extent of this thought spillage, I believe that will be all for this week hahaha

But truly, Our Heavenly Father knows us. Despite the marvelous reaches of His kingdom, He knows us individually. If that fact isn't a testimony to His power and majesty and wisdom, I don't even know what is!


Laura! said...

Yeah... I shouldn't've watched that video right before going to bed haha. However, science stills sounds icky unless they have a day where your class is moved to nighttime and you take a field trip to the middle of no where-- oh wait, that's where you are already-- and do some serious star-gazing. And I insist that you suggest this plan to your professor and tell him that it will make me go to college at BYUI. Oh, and make sure there's a bonfire and popcorn afterwards. And tell the school board that if they fund my entire college everything, I will let them use the hot air balloon that I plan to acquire before starting college.
Anyway, on a more related note, college sounds fun and learning-ful (wow, I feel super unintelligent using that nonword). Don't let your brain explode!

The Ballard Family said...

I am as afraid of that video,that I shall NOT watch, as I am of the sharks that plagued my dreams when I was eleven.
(Or 27)
Haha, I actually have seen it before and it is quite amazing.
I like how you moved me nearly to tears with your thoughts on humankind and then suddenly I was jerked into a laughing fit when I scrolled down and took in that lovely picture of you. Hahaha...i loved that.
That class sounds brilliant. Can one audit classes like that from hundreds of miles away? Perhaps via your phone video camera? :)
I think it sounds like you are having a one in a lifetime time up there and I am very glad for you.
I hope this week has been just as enlightening!

katilda said...

I just really like this. And I really like you and your freckles. Come visit me soon. In scottsdale. It's on your way....to something...

Today's word: "apompoc." I imagine this to be the next generattion of furbie.