Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

And so it continues....

My most recent realization: It is rather difficult to recap my week when I can hardly remember what happened. It is rather impossible to recap my week when I don't even have journal entries to refer to (kinda forgot about that this week).

SO, I am now significantly more motivated to get back into my habit of nightly journal writing!

p.s. (can you have a post script in the middle of an entry? I declare that you CAN).I have NEVER kept a journl my entire life -- other than maybe a maximum of five entries a year....MAYBE. But at hte beginning of this year, I decided that I am just learning WAY too many things and having WAY too many important experiences to NOT write them down! I am very excited to say that I have written 105 pages since January :) A simple but VERY significant accomplishment for me!
Oh!!!! SPEAKING of journals (yes, this is still part of my rebellious post script), what do we commonly think of immediately when it comes to 1 Nephi 1:1??? "Goodly parents," right? Well I would encourage all to read it YET AGAIN. Nephi describes that he has been brought up in knowledge, and that even through affliction, the Lord has stood by his side. "THEREFORE," he made a record.

The first time I caught that, it was one of those POW moments. Have I been brought up by righteous parents? Have I experienced affliction? Has the Lord stood by me?

YES YES YES. So, should I "THEREFORE" make a record?
Just something that really makes me think :) and really drove me to develop a habit of journal keeping.

ANYWAYS.... not really sure where I'm going with any of this, seeing as a can't even really remember the happenings of this week. But I DO remember my thoughts and impressions....so that is pretty much what all of this will be....

So, I am taking a class studying the Middle Eastern conflict (yes, the one I added last minute. yes, the one I have slept through TWICE :( :( :( I am REALLY going to work on a better alarm system!!!!). In the my readings for the class, I feel like I am a more enlightened person with every single sentence.

So, some random facts. Some previously known, some rather new to me:
-A big part of the conflict is that the idea of completely separating church and state.... well, it simply doesn't make sense to most Islams. Islam is an all encompassing way of life, not simply a religion.

-Although there is a lot of foreign influence to divide Iraq into three different nations (according to sects), Iraq has historically been united as one nation, and more than 80% of Iraqis very simply do not want a divided nation. A division would inevitably split up families. Also, for many reasons, creating three new nations would simply be a ticking time bomb for conflict and aggressive power battles with surrounding nations.

-Although I do not necessarily take any specific stand (yet) on Western involvement in the Middle East, Lebonization (the act of a large power meddling in a small power) is highly resented and deeply offensive to Middle Eastern culture. History has left the area with lies, deceit, and blaintantly broken promises from large British and French powers. Like I said, not sure I have a specific opinion on this. Whether or not I believe if the Iraq nation is capable of establishing peace one its own, I at least understand better the DESIRE to.

-I haven't studied the Islamic religion in too much depth at this point. HOWEVER, the very very little I have learned.....my GOODNESS. When reading the basic history if Islam, I basically feel that I am reading the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but with some different names. It is simply astounding how similar history and modern beliefs are. The pure form of Islam is so very alike my own in its standards and values. So often, our western viewpoint on Arabic culture is based on the eccentric minority (a very miniscule minority). Muhammad (the founder of Islam) strived with all his efforts to preserve the basic and pure standards established by this religion. Since that day and still today, such standards are distorted and slanted by a few, and perhaps not lived in their exactness by many.... but is this not the same with our Church? Our Church is pure, complete, and true. But is that reflected perfectly in its members? Are there not a handful of eccentricies? Are there not many many of us that do not live the standards to their exactness, due to the natural state of mortality?

I include none of this for the purpose of any major convincing, nor to open any discussion of specific scenarios. I very simply am LOVING the eye opening knowledge that is out there, and have a new resolve to try and understand this world and ALL of God's children in fairness.

One last quote on the topic:
"While the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is establish for the instruction of men; and it is one of God's instrumentalities for making known the truth yet he is not limited to that institution for such purposes, neither in time nor place. Gopd raises up wise men and prophets here and there among all hte children of men, of their own tongue and nationality, speaking to them through emans that they can comprehend.... All the great taechers are servants of God; among all nations and in all ages. They are inspired men, appointed to instruct God's children according to the conditions in the midst of which he finds them."
~Elder B.H. Roberts~

Um... quick random blurbs about the week! (my apologies for the total lack of organization or flow to this blog. I'm a beginner for certain).

~WARD PIANIST!!!! Super excited. I LOVE the Spirit of choosing songs mindfully, preparing the songs, playing prelude and postlude, and everything in between.... So happy with my calling :)Hmmm favorite hymn of today: #185 -- Reverently and Meekly Now. Some of the most BEAUTIFUL words ever put to song. The best thing is that it is written from Christ's perspective. Favorite line of today "Be constant unto me, that thy Savior I May Be."

~ANGRY LINES!!!!!! For my Design and Color class, we had to draw lines that depicted emotions... and other things.... not exactly my kinda thing, but hey, it was kinda enlightening. Here they are....
(A list of the suppossedly depicted themes will follow....)

The themes (in order):
1. angry
2. swimming
3. prayer
4. flying
....who would have guessed, right??? But I DARE you to depict these things using ONLY lines, no color, and absoulutely NO references to or suggestions of objects or people.

~Having an INSANELY busy week does NOT justify having an equally lazy weekend! 'nuff said.

~Chili is fun and easy to make. Just don't oversalt it :P

~Cornbread is also easy to make. And accidently buying a fat free package of corn bread mix can be easily made up for by pouring honey and butter into the batter before cooking.... and also on top of it after it is cooked.... good stuff.

~Never get a cool looking glass soda bottle for lunch -- even if it IS strangely cheaper than the plastic -- unless you carry a bottle opener. You WILL look like an idiot trying desparately to open it in the highly populated campus lunch hall, using every utensil imaginable. And taking a chunk out of your finger. OUCH.

~Anastasia is the best movie ever. Demitri is so hot, and don't you even TRY to deny it!

~Just keep your room clean, dag nabbit. It will make things better in general.

~Just because there are some crazy awesome sales on groceries on stuff you REALLY use a lot and you could save lots of money within just a couple month's time.... does NOT mean you should take advantage of ALL of it... unless you have a car with which to carry such awesome bargains. If not.... you truly come to understand the term "up hill both ways," which is actually the honest truth in Rexburg, ID.

~"Lately this weather has been so bipolar, and consequently so have I." Lyrics from a Relient K song. Lyrics to this week in Rexburg. Hail, rain, fluffly snow, wooshy snow, wind that makes me look like the only idiot who can't seem to walk in a straight line OR open any outside doors.... yeah. It is strange.

Okay.... I do believe that is the end to my "thought spillage" <--- termonology is courtesy of Austin.
Till next time.
Over and out.
Yes, I wish the world talked in walkie-talkie lingo. It would just make life more exciting, no?


The Ballard Family said...

I think your blog is brilliant. I enjoy it immensely.
I KNOW your art is brilliant. Seriously, how much for one of those drawings? Can you do a line picture of my family? : )
I think you are doing a fantastic job with this whole college thing. I am learning a lot from you as you...learn a lot. : )
I hope this week is grand. Keep up the sharing of the art and all the random thoughts in between!

Austin said...

HEY! haha once again i'm loving your blog! hmmm that middle eastern studies class sounds pretty awesome, i can't wait to start college! haha after my mission that is of course :) i like picturing you trying to open a door while very windy out side when everyones waiting on you :D haha oh! and even more so i like picturing the thought of WOOSHY snow haha i like that word. but anyways! hope you have enjoyed my thought spillage as well! i can't wait for your next blog :)

katilda said...

Oh good gracious where do I start…
Um, I really like the prayer drawing. I think it looks like the Sacred Grove.

Also, Dimitri. Yes. Yes. Yes.

You can use p.s. however you want. It’s your blog, dangit.

Chili is an excellent choice. Try this: 1 can tomatoes (I like the fire-roasted ones), 1 can kidney beans (drained), 1 can black beans (drained…they get foamy when you run water over them. Weird.), 1 avocado all cut up. DELICIOUS. You can add cheese at the end and it gets all gooey. Eat it with chips or as soup….with a spoon. This is/was my easy-to-make food obsession. Add corn on fancy occasions and mayhaps extra avocado. Leftovers can be eaten inside a tortilla if not too soup :)

This is getting long. But I just love that you’re in college. College is SO much fun. So so so great. Hard and stupid sometimes, but generally, the funnest (yes) silliest time of your life. Have lots of adventures, grasshopper!

And my last thoughts: I’m jealous of your Middle East class. I took a religions class where we briefly talked about Islam. I loved it! Judaism was my favorite, but Islam came second. My favorite part was when we talked about the burkas (sp?) that the women wear. People in America look at that and think “Those women are oppressed and degraded.” But over there, they look at our pornography and celebrities and must think the exact same thing. I decided Muslim women, all covered up, are very beautiful. They’ve got chastity figured out better than our culture does…

Today's word: Hanes. What are the odds it's an actual word AND has to do with underwear?? "It's complicated, having my entire underwear system be overhauled."