Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

And I'm back!!!

After significantly unsettling anxieties about once again moving my entire life to another end of the country (do top and bottom count as ends???), I am now back at the beautiful BYUI campus! Something about this place puts all my fears to rest :) Perhaps it has something to do with the amazing view....

....yeah, that'll do it :) But truly, what an amazing spirit here!

It was quite the adventure driving up here, including a rather pathetically accurate book on cd my mom and I listened to (courtesy of Katie) which detailed (DETAILED) the complexities of the dating circumstances on a church campus. INTERESTING.

I am PROUD to say that I am entirely unpacked! This dorm is already beginning to feel like a second home again :) And my rommates are just amazing! I am in a room with Rachel (roomy from Fall) and I am becoming acquainted with Colby, my new roomy. The three of us have NO problem getting along :) and we are all just crazy as can be! Which makes for some good times.... even though it's only been about three days....

Here are a few pics of the dorm. Dorm 305, to be precise.

My side of the room. Small. But good. Yeah, shtill good. (Will anyone name that quote? I sure hope so). Don't you dare judge me for not having my bed made. Bunk beds are obsurdly difficult to make.

Kitchen!!!! Seems kinda crammed, but so long as it is kept clean, it works out rather nicely. Yes, that is my apron hanging on the fridge. Yes, it has hot air balloons on it. You are jealous, and you know it.

The living room :) my contributions of a bamboo plant in the lower left, and also the picture of Christ (a much appreciated gift from Austin) and a framed copy of the living Christ. Those, combined with green couches, make for a wonderful environment INDEED.

On the right side of the living room is our nice little table. Three white chairs, one green chair. Special. Oh, and that is the beautiful fish that is Prince Bajamazs. Yes, that is the correct spelling. And the flower pot in the window is courtesy of the Dollar Tree. They had a pretty pot and a grouping of silk poppies (FAVORITE flower EVER). Best two dollars I ever spent.

SO, life is good! Remarkable, in fact. Went to church today, and I'm really looking forward to the experiences I will have in it the ward. I hope this ward becomes like a family, and I am very excited to get a calling. Can't wait to serve and get to know more people!

Classes start Tuesday. I am really wanted to get those going, because I have been CRAVING some sort of schedule in my life!

As for this semester in general, our church leaders today really encouraged us to put spiritual well being first. It is SO EASY to get caught up in hectic lifestyles, even on a campus that has been dedicated just the same as a church building or temple, is neighboring a magnificent temple, the professors are referred to as "brother/sister," each class begins with a prayer, and COUNTLESS other continuous spiritual influences. But I KNOW that spiritual growth is the key to success here, as well as all other aspects and stages of life. I am just so immensely grateful to be in this place and a part of the wonderful work that is ALWAYS in motion here!


katilda said...

You're a BLOGGER! I'm so proud! *tear*

I love how crammed ur room is. That's the life, really...

p.s. the code word on this comment is "nesse." NESSIE?? Our underwater ally??

p.p.s. Lilo and Stitch.

Ariel said...

Looks great! And how cute, I'm in a 305 room too!

Yup, Lilo and Stitch. Great movie

The Ballard Family said...

Ah, come on, you started actually blogging??? I didn't know! Now I'm way behind AND didn't get to be the first one to name Lilo and Stitch. :)
Haha, I love it.
I can't wait to read lots and lots.
I am proud to have inspired your Sunday night bloggings. :)