Fair Warning:


Do not expect any manner of consistency, relevancy, or coloring within the lines on this blog. Such qualities may in fact be found here on rare occasion. But it's just better not to expect them.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

365 Days a Week

Disclaimer: Yes, this is a long post. But I created this blog for the purpose of a weekly account of my life. This wonderful place I'm at offers amazing experiences every single minute of every day. So.... weekly accounts are likely to remain just as long. You have been warned.

The title "365 days a week" can be attributed to my Bishop today, speaking about the life of President Gordon B. Hinkley. Although he had intended to say "365 days a year," he quickly made a nice save by acknowledging that the busy life of the Prophet likely FEELS closer to 365 days a week.

Although I am hesitant to even compare my life to a Prophet's (yikes), every day this week has felt like it has encompassed a month's worth of experience (not to mention a month's worth of WORK).

And so here I sit, on a Sunday night. I had decided Sundays would be good days to blog and update family and friends on the happenings of my life (a habit inspired by sister Mandy!). HOWEVER, I am finding that it is particularly difficult to recount this week's expereinces.... but that is no excuse to not try! (this concept will be further discussed in the post :) ) But for now....

a quick snapshot of the actual happenings of the week....

~Experience: Late Monday night (night before classes start), I discover that one of my classes had an unanticipated work load. It would basically be the equivalent of four classes in and of itself. My consequental thought process: Is this work load even POSSIBLE? Wait, I am only taking this to fill a requirement. There are other things that could fill this requirement. I don't even want to have anything to DO with graphic design. Why on EARTH would I put myself through this? I could just be taking a foundations course instead (foudations=general ed up here in BYU-I lingo). Hmmmmm howabouts.... The Middle East studies!!!!
And so, I dropped graphic design, and I added the Middle East studies... which began at 7:45 the next morning.... It is important to note that the next day, a combination of talks with various art students and teachers made it apparent to me that it was a GOOD DECISION! Also notable, the Spirit was definitely what guided my thought process. And oh goodness, I have discovered that this semester would simply not have been survivable without some kind of schedule change.
~Lesson learned: follow the Spirit, even when it decides to speak to you last minute!!!

~Experience: Got to my science class super Early. I decided to just walk around the building a bit (Science buidling. Yeah, I had never really had reason to go there before!). Discovered that it is practically a museum. I was examining fossils in glass displays that line the hallways. I got particularly excited about the dinosaur model. Just when I thought the exhibitions couldn't get any cooler....
I turn the corner, and walk into a room....
My life was changed in that moment. That room contained every kind of rock, stone, and gem imaginable. It is difficult to describe the impact of that display, but literally, every inch of this room has some kind of SOMETHING that will take the breathe away of ANYONE, not just dorks like me.
There is also randomly a fish tank. Definitely the most spectacular fish tank I've ever seen. Every inch of it is alive and moving.
My science teacher actually referenced the room later, saying that such natural wonders make it nearly impossible not to recognize the existence of a divine creator.
~Lesson learned: If you have some extra time, look around. You may discover a room of shiny rocks and fish.... or something else pretty awesome.

~Experience: Sat down in science classroom. HUGE class. Somehow ended up sitting next to a boy that is good friend with my brother's wife....
~Lesson learned: it's a small world after all.... HAH! I DARE you to not get that stuck in your head!

~Experience: The weekly Tuesday devotional. Went into it with every doubt I could possibly be having about what I am capable of and why I am even here.
~Lesson learned: NEVER be afraid.
p.s. The account of this experience is so insanely condensed. I could never begin to describe the experience of attending devotional. It is like attending conference EVERY week, and in between classes. I want SO MUCH to share this wonderful experience with EVERYONE! So, if you wish, check out this amazing spiritual boost. It will be worth any time, I guarantee it! here it is:
Just select the most recent one. It may take a while to be available in ALL the formats (written, mp3, and video). But I encourage all to keep an eye on it :)

~Experience: I attended my first day of Drawing II class with Brother Leon Parson. There is no purpose in trying to describe how excited I was for this class. He paints things like this:

....needless to say, I feel like I am taking a class from a celebrity. BUT, my first experience in that class went from initial thoughts of "hmmmm.... this simple excercise is significantly more difficult than it seems like it should be...." to walking home from class and in tears on the phone with Austin, having thoughts more along the lines of "I can't even do the simple little proportional exercises, which are apparently fundamental to EVERYTHING in art. If I can't do the basics, how can I ever do anything in art that I am aspiring to? I'm simply not meant for that kind of excellence in this area of life. What on earth am I doing being an art major?"
Well, after a lot of venting and even MORE of listening to a friend, it occured to me how silly I was being. Just because I naturally have a desire for something -- and maybe even a little talent along with it -- does NOT mean I am exempt from the basic principle of practice. Practicing was something I understood... but in things like music. Apparently, when it came to art, the thought of practicing was incomprehensible.
~Lesson learned: This is best summed up in something Austin told me: "I KNOW you have a vision. You can see things and you can feel things that other people can't. You are capable of great things. Heavenly Father has made you special for that purpose."
Never be discouraged to the point of doubting the talent and ability your Father in Heaven has invested in you!

~Experience: Rain. LOTS of rain. During such rain, HUNDREDS of not-so-little earthworms like to crawl out onto the sidewalk.
~Lesson learned: 1. People tend to step on worms. Worms are rather squishy.
2. When the sun dries up the sidewalk, it dries up the worms, too. 3. ...Worms exist? (this is the ARIZONA girl speaking).

~Experience: Prepared diligently and perhaps even excessively for my Middle East class. I was CRAZY excited to discuss the subjects in class.
~Lesson learned: set your stinking alarm CORRECTLY. You may just miss the class you were most excited for. LAME.

~Experience: Attended an Idaho Falls Symphony concert, featuring guest cellist Steven Honigberg. To give a taste of where this guy is coming from: he is referred to as one of the few great cellists of our day; he plays a cello made by Antonio Stradivarious (cannot even begin to describe the significance of this; it is basically the Holy Grail of instruments) which was played by a King of France, was in the hadns of significant figures such as Mozart, is one of about sixty ever made (way back in the eighteenth century, at that), and likely costs more than four million dollars; he does things with an instrument I would have never dreamed even POSSIBLE.
I will save any continued efforts to try and convince the world that this guy is a BIG DEAL. Just trust me, he is.
~Lesson learned: some people just rock. 'nuff said.

~Experience: Putting an oven mit on your foot makes it look like you have orangutan feet.
~Lesson learned: Roommates might be slightly creeped out by orangutan feet. Especially if you have flexible toes and manage to actually pick up objects whilst wearing an oven mit on your foot.

~Experience: Decided to seriously listen to Sacrament Meeting talks, even if they are just the same old.
~Lesson learned: Listening will AWLAYS yield a learning experience. Today's favorite impression while listening: Not knowing what to do is NEVER an excuse to not GO AND DO.

~Experience: um.... this week in general.
~Lesson learned: Putting spiritual well being before academics will ALWAYS be the best choice, for the benefit of ALL aspects of life (including grades!)

And thus concludes only a tiny taste of the experiences this beautifully Spiritual environment has to offer (yes... it is tiny... don't try to convince me otherwise).
But truly, this kind of life is available ANYWHERE and in ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Living on an officially dedicated campus (like they dedicate temples and church buildings) makes it nearly impossible NOT to recognize the presence of the Spirit.
But I truly want to leave here with the ability to recognize that presence anywhere, because it is there. Just takes a little more looking when you don't have a beautiful temple always in view :) once again.....

hmmmm. Never get old :)


Austin said...

MONICA! haha i LOVE your blog! Its awesome, i especially like the part about the worms and their squishiness :P but really, all of it is wonderful to read! it's so good to hear about EVERYTHING you're experiencing up there. keep up with all the hard work! i can't wait to see your next blog :D

katilda said...

Um, love this! all of it! I freaked out when I figured out that it was worms covering the sidewalks in Cedar City, too. Siiiick. Wait til you see a snail!! Those are exciting.

Also exciting...the word verification for this comment is dissingw. I don't even know where to begin to analyze that.

Keep rockin' the college scene! It'll go...SO FAST. Then you'll be in a cubicle...secretly reading your sister's blog.

The Ballard Family said...

Okay, I loved this post. This is where I start envying you for actually writing about personal experiences and thoughts...the kind that only creep into my posts occasionally when there hasn't been a new sandbox or nature walk or egg hunt or self-cut bangs. Hahaha
So, I want to comment on every single sentence of this! It really sounds like you are learning a ton and experiencing a LOT. I remember feeling much the same way when I spent time up at BYU Provo. The Spirit just felt so apparent all the time. You have reminded me that my home can be the same way. I am so glad you are having a great time and that, even on the rough days/moments, you are learning. Isn't that when life is best, when we are being stretched and learning?
I am really excited for you and this semester.
Um, MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES. Guess who is obsessed with that? Um, ME. So, text me, blog, email, anything when you learn something interesting. Because, you know, you have time for that. :)
I am thrilled with your week. I hope you are too.
I can't wait for next week.
Remember, you are secretly left-handed.
Don't tell Satan.
P.S. If Austin comments on your blog he has to comment on mine too. Mine has sandboxes...